
on everything !

The Outlook

I really like to begin the day with a smile, some sweet words, pleasant music and a good news in the newspaper! Cant really explain how the day gets going great when i get these (even one from here will do).. It gives me the lightness and clarity to face whatever the day has to offer. I guess this is exactly why for ages there has been this household custom of playing some devotional songs early in the morning !
Brightens up the day, the thoughts and sets up the mood.
But, these days i am not smiling when i wake up, mom is not next to me to say those sweet words as she gets busy in the kitchen and when i take the day's newspaper, all that stares at my face is some terrorist blast or some political scandal or world crisis or a lost game !
I mean, yeah agreed that we need to face the reality, should know what is happening exactly, shouldn't live in a illusion and all that , but why not make it easier for everyone. A positive thought, an achievement,a new invention or a new hope in the front page of a paper we see first in the morning can work wonders ! We get into this 'settled' mood and that helps in analyzing anything reasonably and find a solution. Ain't it so ? A clear mind is the key right ?
And yeah, i have been asking myself why i have left this habit of 'waking up smile' ! May be i have been living too much in my fears. Should get out. Will get out !!
People do laugh when they hear this talk on 'positive attitude', saying it is not realistic always or reasons like that. But it does matter, the positive approach. Saying 'Australia wins the World Cup' is really better than saying ' India lost the World Cup'. Meaning is the same, only the words differ. And with that the tone !
We cannot change what has happened. We cannot change the inevitable. They say, life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.
Let's celebrate life. Each moment. Not moan !! And let's find the ways to celebrate !!


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